
Showing posts from 2022

Medical first aid kits are widely used

In daily life, accidental injuries are difficult to avoid, and sometimes unpredictable. If we do not treat them in time or operate improperly, we may cause harm to ourselves or others. When we live at home, commute daily, and outdoor activities, some accidents cannot be avoided, such as sudden cardiovascular diseases, traffic accidents, joint strains, and burns. You cannot ensure that you have a first-aid kit by your side at all times. Therefore, proficiency in some first aid skills has become a must for contemporary people. Let’s take a look at how to deal with small accidents that we often encounter in our daily lives. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Essential bleeding: Use a cotton ball soaked in ice water to fill the nasal cavity and pressure to stop bleeding. Bee stings: Once you are stung by a bee when going out for an outing, you should carefully pull out the remaining stinger, gently squeeze the wound, squeeze out the venom, and apply a little ammonia or soda. When bur...

Apartmet Mailbox—The only choice for commercial residential buildings

When it comes to mail delivery for the community, staying safe, convenient, and efficient should be any developer's top priority. Knowing how to choose the right mailbox is critical to maintaining resident satisfaction and the overall integrity of your property. The best way to make sure you're making the right choice is to keep up with the most advanced apartment mailboxes on the market . Yoobox offers a complete set of apartment mailboxes for large hotels, commercial residential apartments. Their steel mailbox is  designed specifically for multi-dwelling applications where the local postal service will deliver mail.   Mailboxes for apartments   are also very common in many commercial development projects. Entirely made of iron, available in flush mount, surface mount and freestanding units, each locker in the apartment mailbox is spacious and secure. Lateral mailboxes have been the primary source of centralized mail delivery for properties with many tenants for decades...

Different Types Of Apartment Mailboxes

Apartment Box Unit Mailboxes For Tenants In this type, each tenant has a unique key for unlocking their unit's mailbox and retrieving their personal mail. Most cluster boxes feature communal parcel lockers for large packages that don't fit into individual mailboxes. If the tenant notices a key to the parcel locker in their mailbox, they can use it to open the parcel locker and access their package. After unlocking the parcel locker, the key remains in the lock. The postal carrier will then remove the parcel locker key during the next delivery. Apartment Box Mailboxes for Postal Carriers The design of  cluster boxes   allows for quick and convenient mail delivery. The postal carrier uses a proprietary Arrow lock to open the unit's entire front panel, providing access to every individual mailbox. The USPS is responsible for installing and maintaining the Arrow locks. The postal carrier can then insert the mail into each slot without having to open individual mailbox doors. Af...

Outdoor Plastic Mailbox

Add the YOOBOX plastic mail boxes Post to the end of your driveway or beside the street curb to keep your mailbox conveniently located for your mail carrier. This decorative post is constructed from high quality polyethylene for years of reliable performance. The decorative surface of the outdoor plastic mailboxes can complement any yard space, and the built-in UV inhibitors prevent the finishes from fading over time when exposed to sunlight. Some assembly is required on arrival before you can install the plastic mail box , to keep it within easy reach for your mail carrier. Outdoor Plastic Mailbox  - Dover Features Simple and stylish way to display a mailbox at the end of the driveway. Best suited for mailboxes weighing less than 8 pounds Underneath is designed for a newspaper. Includes hardware and instructions for an easy assembly process. Crafted from high quality polyethylene with built-in UV inhibitors. Available in four powder-coated finishes to blend into the front yard. ...


In this post I want to talk a little bit about plastic mailbox designs . There are not very many plastic mailboxes that are locking. There are some other plastic mail box designs out there. The advantage is that they will never rust. The disadvantage is that sometimes when exposed to lots of sunlight, they end up fading and looking very bad. Also, in climates where the temperature gets very cold, they can be susceptible to cracking. Even worse, in very cold temperatures, it would be easy for somebody to break your mailbox with a bat or crowbar. Also, plastic designs typically do not look as good as metal designs because the plastic must be thicker to meet he US Postal service standards.

How Specifically Does a Parcel Box Work?

Yoobox ’s patented technology design makes receiving deliveries more effortless than ever. Any courier can use it,even packages that require signatures don’t need you to be home due to the QR code they can scan, show their arrival.  To deliver your packages, couriers simply need to turn the front handle, open the drawer and place the parcel in the tray, ensuring to close it before leaving. The drawer has a false bottom consisting of flaps that open like a trapdoor once the drawer is closed. Automatically drop the delivered package into the storage compartment below -- safe and secure.  Don’t worry about the drop, even your most fragile deliveries will be protected by our padded foam bottom to absorb the impact of the fall.  Your outdoor parcel box will continue to receive deliveries until it is full, at which point it will automatically lock, so that couriers can't deliver more parcels. Checking and emptying your outdoor parcel box at the end of each day takes less than ...

It's time to invest a parcel box

As someone that receives a large number of deliveries due to review samples and the inevitable compulsive tech spending brought on by writing about it every day, parcel deliveries can be a nightmare. It is something that has caused me genuine stress in the past. Smart video doorbells and my growing number of outdoor surveillance cameras means I rarely miss the door when I am in, nowadays, but it is still frustrating having to sit in all day when some couriers turn up at random times. Of course, COVID changed things a lot the last year, Amazon drivers will leave a parcel anywhere they see fit, regardless of the value of the package. Although people usually live on a relatively safe road,so thefts haven't been an issue yet, but it is not ideal. With the end of COVID in sight, it seems like a good time to invest in a parcel box .It is also worth noting that these are a good way to keep deliveries contact-free until the current issues pass. There are all sorts of options on the market,...

One of favorite Parcel drop boxes for 2022

  The aesthetically pleasing wins our Best Curb Appeal recognition. This  parcel drop box  can be ordered in white, black, or gray. Its design has been carefully thought through with features including a built-in "No Deliveries" indicator, the ability to be bolted securely to the ground, and has an outgoing partition for package pick ups by carriers. A sign is also included which can be hung above the box helping carriers see where you would like your deliveries to go. Carriers can deliver your packages through a large rotating drum which will then drop down a shoot to a soft, secure, foam landing area for pickup. It's clear that Yoobox Mailboxes really thought this box through, and that's why it's one of  Yoobox favorite package drop boxes for 2022 .   Home Stainless Steel Outdoor Delivery Parcel Lockable, Mail Drop Box , drop box Parcel mailbox. YOOBOX BG 005 is a spacious parcel mailbox with a large letter box on the front. Receives packages even when you ar...

What is the meaning of the existence of the mailbox parcel?

1.  Mailbox parcel  is a simple and affordable solution when you need to send small parcels in a format that fits in the mailbox. You get tracking and a notification when the barcode is scanned and with RFID, you can also offer extra tracking and notification to your customers. 2. Small parcel mailboxes  have been a standard feature in townhouse communities and apartment complexes for many years. Recently, these mailboxes have been growing in prevalence thanks to encouragement from the United States Postal Service that runs your local post office. 3. Owning a  parcel box  ensures you never have to be at home again to accept a delivery. You don’t have to plan your daily tasks around the delivery van’s arrival, forlornly staring out the window as car after car passes by, without any sign of your parcel. A delivery box will be readily available to accept your parcels 24/7, 365 days a year. It won’t care about delivery delays. Whenever you do get home, your parcel w...

Best Mailboxes for Sale on the Market Today | Mailbox Buyer’s Guide

When we talk about mailboxes, it's like we're back in time when  beautiful mailboxes  stood next to equally beautiful houses. If you think that with all this going on, mailboxes have lost their appeal, then you need to read the guide below for the types of mailbox we have here for you! Best Selling for mailboxes Best Mailbox Buyer's Guide Given the variety of options out there, it can be very difficult to choose the right mailbox for your residence. Here's a buyer's guide to help you choose the right one for you. Type for mailbox 1. Rear loading These are freestanding and are usually placed at the end of the driveway, or can be placed on the side of the road. If the user is in the car, they can easily access the mail, in which case they can drop off the mail without leaving the vehicle. These mailboxes add traditional charm to your home and offer a variety of options. However, installing these can be difficult and you need to make sure the base doesn't wobble. 2...

Which mailbox do you choose?

  The daily mail handlin g has changed character since YOOBOX's classic copper mailbox Steel saw the light of day in the late sixties. The ever-growing e-commerce increases the need for improved security and the ability to receive larger shipments. YOOBOX keeps up with the times and has a wide range of lockable and secure mailboxes of the highest quality. Long, short, wide or narrow? Which mailbox do you want? What color? What shape? Do you want to know that your mail is in safe custody before you pick up your letters and packages? We humans have different tastes and likes, Berglund therefore offers a number of different mailboxes for everyone's taste and liking. E-commerce is up to date and has increased avalanche in recent years. Feel safe and invest in a lockable and spacious mailbox . The feeling of sitting at work and knowing that what you ordered is in safe custody, that feeling gives security and a wonderful peace.

Do you want a secure smaller mailbox?

Home safety is an issue that every household cares about, and it is neccessary to offer the best gear for the thousands of families.YOOBOX intends to carry thorough research into the latest protection technology to provide consumers with important information. It aspires to help you know how to protect your house with suitable appliances. For daily mail handling, there is   Metal mailboxes    - a classic secure mailbox that many recognize from its predecessor   Metal mailboxes    .  YOOBOX 's mailbox    Style  is a lockable alternative for those who want a smaller mailbox for daily secure mail. A narrower throw under the lid makes it difficult for the thief to pick mail out of the box.  Metal mailboxes     Style   , is simply a secure mailbox. You can easily empty the mailbox yourself by folding the front forward.

Why should I choose a mailbox from YOOBOX?

 Why should I choose a mailbox from YOOBOX? YOOBOX's Product Manager  haylee Zheng  answers the consumer question. - For safety and quality. The series includes lockable mailboxes in different price ranges and quality and in several sizes for different needs. We also have mailboxes without locks, in high quality and which have locks as an option.  YOOBOX's mailboxes are available for all sizes and needs, from simple, smaller  Metal mailboxes  - a classic for the daily mail reception which is now also available in a lockable version -   Metal mailboxes   . The smaller  Metal mailboxes  in plastic can be supplemented with locking cap Safety  and mounted easily without tools. For receiving larger shipments, there are several boxes to choose from: Parcels mailboxes  - Weekly mailbox with two inlets and an ASSA lock with locking bolt and espagnolette for maximum security ...

Things to keep in mind when buying a mailbox

 A mailbox should be stylish, practical and safe! In our range, we have safe and stylish mailboxes in different sizes and models. YOOBOX manufactures high-quality mailboxes equipped with locks and throw-in hatches that return to the correct position when closed. This prevents transparency so that you do not see from the outside how much mail is in the mailbox. On some of YOOBOX's models, you can choose whether you want the opening door at the front or back of the mailbox.  When choosing a mailbox, keep the following in mind:The mailbox should be large enough to hold the mail even if you are away for a slightly longer period, so as not to reveal to the thief that you are away. The size of the mailbox is stated in volume / liter. As ID hijackings become more common, where the fraudster orders ID cards, credit cards, passwords and other personal documents to a home address and then steals them directly from the mailbox, the Police, the Anti-Theft Associ...


  If your lock in the mailbox freezes, it's time to find the lock oil. We recommend that you regularly use locking oil to ensure that it does not freeze. If the lock oil is not enough, you can do the following: Heat your mailbox key with very hot water, wipe the key to make sure that no more water enters the lock. Insert the hot key into the frozen lock - repeat if necessary. Heat your lock with a blow dryer tube. Use an extension cord that can be used outdoors. Do not use: Hot water to thaw the lock. It just leaves more water in the lock, which in turn freezes to ice. Avoid spray products WD40 or other oils - use only locking oil.

Instalace kombinovaného zámku do vaší balíkové přepravní schránky

  Dnes jsem byl dotázán, zda je možné namontovat kombinační zámek do naší řady vestavěných a samostatných přepravních boxů, a jednoduchá odpověď je ano.   Někteří lidé mohou navždy ztrácet své klíče nebo mohou chtít, aby do balíkové schránky mělo přístup mnoho lidí.   Možná se jim jen zdá, že klíče jsou trochu fádní, ať už je důvod jakýkoli, montáž kombinačního zámku je rozhodně možná. Ve všech našich schránkách na zásilky používáme standardní vačkový zámek, takže bude mnoho kombinačních zámků, které jej mohou nahradit.   Existují dva zásadní rozměry, které jsou 'D', průměr zámku 'L', což je délka zámku.   Pro vysvětlení se prosím podívejte na níže uvedený diagram. Máte-li nějaké dotazy, zavolejte nám na číslo  008613967972900 nebo nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím našeho online chatu a my si s vámi rádi promluvíme?  

Jaké velikosti balíkových krabic potřebujete?

 V Brizeboxu jsme navrhli schránku na balíky, která může být umístěna venku. To pomůže vašemu kurýrovi zanechat vaši zásilku někde v bezpečí, aniž byste se museli obávat, že budete doma nebo že zmeškáte její doručení. Vytvořili jsme různé velikosti balíkových boxů, takže můžete najít to nejlepší řešení pro všechny vaše zásilky. Jaké velikosti balíkových krabic potřebuji? Naše velikosti balíkových schránek jsou standardní, velké a extra velké. Každá možnost je ideální pro každou domácnost, takže můžete najít nejvhodnější velikost na základě počtu zásilek, které obdržíte. Doporučujeme, abyste si své samostatné přepravní boxy instalovali v přední části vašeho pozemku, kde jsou snadno viditelné pro kurýry. Navrhli jsme také vestavné balíkové boxy v různých velikostech, takže se nemusíte bát, že by vaše krabice vyčnívala nebo překážela na cestách! Vždy tedy existuje velké řešení, které bude vyhovovat vašim požadavkům. Přemýšlejte o typu dodávek, které budete dostávat, a o jakých velikos...

Steel letterbox The buyer's guide

Although the objective of this list is to help you choose the best option for your needs.   This guide will help you make an informed purchasing decision.   Here are some things to consider when choosing a letterhead. 1. Functions There is no point in buying a letterbox that does not meet your usage needs.   Sometimes even better option would not have all the options you need.   That's why list all your feature requirements and make sure the option you've chosen comes with all of them. 2. Budget The Budget plays a big role, if it weren't for budget, wouldn't everyone buy the most expensive option?   However, before deciding on the budget, I recommend that you make a list of the features you need.   In case a feature you need the most is not available in your budget range, then there is no point in purchasing it, right? My advice is to make sure the product has all the features you need and then decide on the budget.   If a product you have chosen does ...